
Showing posts from July, 2021

Virtual Machines for Virtual Horses

Video games, and more specifically PC games, hold a special place in my childhood memories. I don’t play games nearly as much now as I did when I was a kid, but I still enjoy learning about and maybe trying out some newer games--usually through my boyfriend who is much more adventurous in his gaming habits than I ever was. When I do attempt to play a game on my own I’ve found that I’m most interested in revisiting the oldies that I played as a kid, if only for the nostalgia.  My PC-gaming habit probably reached its peak around 1998, when my dad plopped a big, loud Dell in his home office and started bringing me along on his trips to CompUSA. Around the same time, I was really into horses and so I developed a strong interest in any game that involved horseback riding. As it turns out, though, most horseback riding PC games of that time were not great, and a blog post I read from The Mane Quest  provides some reasons why. The reason that most deeply resonated with me is the fac...