Who's the artist?

I look at a lot of images when going through the archives -- enough to dry out my eyes and make my vision severely blurrier than normal by the end of the evening -- but this image caused me to silently 'Oooh' despite not often having much interest in clay sculpture.

The image was found in the archives on a postcard for a 2001 show at The Clay Studio. According to the postcard the statue* is called Stargazer, is made of ceramic and acrylics, and was created by Beverly Mayeri. Oddly enough this does not seem to be one of Mayeri's more famous works of art as the only photograph I was able to find of it on the web is located on the artist's official website, unlike much of her other work which can be found anywhere from San Diego's School of Art and Design to Pinterest. (The image above is of the archived postcard and was taken by myself.) When I did look at Mayeri's website I was just a little surprised to see that her title for the piece is not Stargazer but 'Night vision,' which I like better, actually. My surprise was minimal because, as an artist myself (in a half-assed sort of way) and understanding that a work of art is never really complete (title included), I can imagine that Ms. Mayeri simply changed the name of her work after the 2001 show took place, but that's literally just my guess.

The facial expression of the subject is I think what first attracted me to Stargazer/Night vision and I can picture myself wearing the same exact face when looking at the sky. My mom actually used to make fun of my dad all the time for adopting a goofy, open-mouthed gape when concentrating on something and I'm pretty sure the open-mouthed-gape-gene was passed on to at least one of his offspring. I also really enjoy the colors because they are few and subtle but give the person a sort of glow-y effect, again beautifully imagining what a person might look like when gazing at stars. Maybe most of all I'm just baffled by the intricate detail all over the person's skin, especially because I struggled pretty badly just to draw a fairly simple floral pattern on a vase that I made in a college ceramics class.

*Is it appropriate to call this work a statue? A bust perhaps?


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