Stop - Start - Continue: 2023

I got this idea from: Reflections From The Bell Curve

In 2023, I will stop over-thinking about my future and enjoy what I'm doing now. I'm slowly getting better at this. And future can mean any future, including like this coming Friday. I'll let myself look forward to the weekend, but that shouldn't stop me from enjoying my morning walks to the bus stop and other mundane weekday activities.

In 2023, I will start being more open to new projects at work, even if they are in areas that don't really interest me. I realized toward the end of 2022 how rewarding this can be when I helped out at a work event. I'm not super experienced when it comes to library programming and events, and up until last month I thought I wanted nothing to do with it, but I ended up having a good time and feeling very accomplished afterward, even though the work itself was a little stressful.

In 2023, I will continue cooking and trying out new recipes, then writing and drawing about the experiences. For the good recipes, anyway. See: A bout of inspiration


  1. Briana; First off, thanks for the shout-out and including a link to my blog. Second, your three manageable and finite actions in this post mean you'll have a higher likelihood of success. So, congratulations getting started and good luck. Third, I'm not sure why but it looks like this comment might come to you from "Alison" - that's my daughter's name - but please know it's from me. I'm going to now look at your post about the books you finished last year and probably make a comment there as well. Keep blogging!


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